Port of Vancouver “Port Truck Pass”

Why is the Port Truck Pass necessary?

The Vancouver Fraser Port Truck Pass Authority has selected Port Truck Pass to allow marine facility operators to comply with Transport Canada security regulations. These regulations require that all persons on the property of a marine facility must be identified. Port Passes come with a prox chip, which can be programmed for specific areas.

If you want to be able to access Canada Place or Ballantyne Pier cruise ship terminals, you will need a Marine Transportation Security Clearance. For more information about TSC, and how to apply, click here. Note: A Port Pass is required to obtain a TSC.

All Class 8 drayage Port Truck Passes entering Port of New York or New Jersey Marine Terminals must be registered in Drayage car and truck loans Registry. You can register through PortTruckPass (PTP), and have a valid RFID tag correctly mounted on your vehicle. All container terminals enforce all program requirements.

Assuring proper RFID tag readability

  • Make sure your RFID tag is correctly mounted on the driver’s side-view mirror.
  • All additional tags you may have in your truck accident cab should be placed in a foil bag in your glove box. If more than one tag has been read, you will receive error messages and will be denied entry.
  • Verify that the truck tag has been properly registered in the Port Truck Pass database.
  • Don’t ride or “piggyback” too close to the truck ahead of you. This could cause a delay in getting your tag read.
  • Refer to the instructions included with the tag.
  • Drayage Truck Engine Model Year
  • The Port Authority of New York’s Marine Terminals will be closed for trucks with engines manufactured 1996 or 1997 as of January 18, 2021 at 12:01 AM.
  • Marine terminals cannot be served by food truck delivery equipped with engines of 1997 or older.
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Only Drayage Rightline Gear Truck Tent equipped with engines that meet or exceed federal Environmental Protection Agency’s 2010 model-year heavy-duty diesel-fueled engine emission standards will be allowed to register in the DTR via Port Truck Pass.

Security Access Control (Port Pass)

Transport Canada marine security regulations apply to all port roads, terminals, and facilities. The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s Port Pass Program administers access to these ports. It has been in effect since 2003.

Port Truck Passes are photo identification cards that have been accredited by port stakeholder organisations. They allow authorised personnel to access the port. Port Passes have an electronic identifier that is unique to the port system. They are also synchronised with Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s vehicle control system.